Inspiring Behavior Change for Sustainable, Healthy, |
Course Opportunities: Trainings/Certifications |
Fast forward your career in Social Marketing by earning online a Social Marketing Professional Certificate of Completion for the International Social Marketing Association’s Developing a Strategic Social Marketing Plan Course. This 12-week course provides an in-depth model and planning framework for developing a strategic social marketing plan to improve public health, prevent injuries, protect the environment, engage communities or enhance financial well-being. Instructor: Nancy R. Lee, is a “pracademic” with more than 25 years of social marketing experience. She has coauthored 13 books on social marketing, 10 with Philip Kotler. She is an Affiliate Instructor at the University of Washington where she teaches Social Marketing. iSMA's Professional Development Opportunities iSMA's professional development trainings are developed based on Social Marketing professional standards, best practices, ethical principals, and academic competencies. Students have the unique opportunity to learn from Social Marketing leaders around the world while earning a profession certificate of completion. A variety of English language self-study online courses are available. US EPA Social Marketing Training - Creating Messages that Drive Behavior Change Training developed for recycling and food waste, however it is general enough for any social marketing efforts. Training includes:
US EPA Social Marketing Training - Composting Food Scraps in Your Community: A Social Marketing Toolkit This toolkit is a resource for states, territories, local governments, Tribes and nongovernmental organizations who wish to create composting campaigns in their communities. Community-Based Social Marketing Workshops Comprehensive training from the founder of Community-Based Social Marketing, Dr. Doug McKenzie-Mohr. Learn about community-based social marketing and its application to foster sustainable, healthy, and safe behaviors with Introductory and Advanced Workshops.
National Social Marketing Centre Training Courses The UK-based National Social Marketing Centre offers a variety of courses ranging from an introduction to social marketing through to advanced specialist topics using classroom and webcast platforms. |