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Inspiring Behavior Change for Sustainable, Healthy,
and Equitable Communities

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SPARKS 2023 Speakers

Nico Archer: Partner, DH

Corie Bales: DH

Corie holds degrees in English, psychology and social behavior, and teaching from the University of California, Irvine. She has experience as an educator, administrator, writer, and editor. Since 2021, she has worked for Desautel Hege (DH) as a copywriter and content developer, supporting community health initiatives, voter confidence campaigns, and other programs designed to make life safer and happier for all Washingtonians.

Mike Chang: Director of Equity, Cascadia Consulting Group

Julie Colehour: Owner and Partner, C+C

Julie Colehour believes that marketing can change the world for the better. So much so that she founded her communications agency C+C in 2005 to use social marketing principles to improve public health, recycling, reduce energy waste, inspire people to use public transit…and generally make world a healthier, happier place. Today, C+C is a national leader in cause-driven marketing, working with clients including the Washington State Department of Health, REI, ENERGY STAR and Google. The agency’s blend of social science, inspired creative and multicultural marketing expertise earned it the titles of 2021 PRovoke Creative Agency of the Year and 2018 Boutique Agency of the Year from The Holmes Report (now PRovoke) and Small Agency of the Year from PR Week. Julie also leads C+C’s team working with the Washington State Department of Health on their statewide COVID-19 campaigns, which was named 2021 Best of Show at the Public Relations Society of America’s Silver Anvil Awards and as one of the top 40 2020 Global SABRE Award campaigns by PRovoke. Outside of life at C+C, Julie serves as the Vice President of the Pacific Northwest Social Marketing Association, is on the boards of Washington Conservation Voters and the Washington Environmental Council, skis a lot, sleeps a little and finds her happy place in the woods as often as possible.

Francesca Davidson: Account Director, C+C

Francesca has spent the last 14 years solving marketing and communications challenges across a broad range of industries and issues, including renewable energy, solid waste and public health. She has experience supporting organizations with everything from behavior change campaigns to branding, content strategy and public relations. Driven by a deep curiosity to understand what makes people tick, Francesca loves exploring what will resonate and inspire audiences to take action. This talent shines through in her award-winning work for clients like the Washington State Departments of Ecology and Health, King County and the Seattle Colleges.

Vadim Gaynaliy: MS, Health Educator, Washington State Department of Health

Vadim Gaynaliy is a health educator and helps manage the FSU Vaccine Outreach Program at the Washington State Department of Health. He was born in Ukraine and immigrated to the United States as a refugee in 2002. Vadim has recently finished a graduate degree in community medicine and his interests revolve around community health advocacy, language, and health outreach. 

Jennifer M. Gonzalez: SVP, Multicultural Communications, C+C

Kristen Haley, Public Health Education Liaison, Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board

Kristen Haley is the current Vice President of the PNSMA Board of Directors. She worked for nearly ten years at the Washington State Department of Health, where she managed dozens of statewide social marketing campaigns for substance use disorder prevention, COVID-19 prevention, immunization promotion, and mental health promotion. She now works as the Public Health Education Liaison for the Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board.

Megan Hatheway, MPH: Senior Account Director, DH 

Megan Hatheway is a Senior Account Director at DH, a social impact marketing agency with offices in Seattle and Spokane. In partnership with Native partners working in substance use and mental health across the state, Megan has led multiple Native-serving campaigns focused on fentanyl overdose response, suicide prevention and connecting communities to culturally grounded treatment and support resources in Washington. Megan attended George Washington University for her Master’s Degree in Public Health Communications and Marketing, where she participated in numerous studies and programs that implemented social marketing strategies focused on prevention and recovery. She also serves on the Social Marketing Association of North America’s Programs Committee.

John Inge: Program Marketing Manager, Puget Sound Energy 

John has over 20 years of experience in consumer marketing that combines the unique perspectives as both consultant and as a client - from small start-ups to large international organizations.

John’s current responsibilities include managing the marketing communications for PSE’s customer assistance initiatives. In this role has been responsible for developing and enhancing PSE’s multilingual communications, as well overcoming technology hurdles in reaching and engaging their in-need customers.

Gena Jain: Environmental Education and Outreach Specialist, City or Kirkland

Eugenia Jain, also known as Gena, blends academic training and research in environmental sustainability with hands-on experience working across disciplines and sectors for the past 15 years. Gena currently works for the City of Kirkland as an Environmental Education and Outreach Specialist, where she managed a four-city partnership project focused on behavior change utilizing a social marketing strategy. She holds a BSc in Environmental Studies from the University of Vermont and a MSc in Sustainable Development from the University of Edinburgh. In her free time, she enjoys relaxing and socializing with friends and family.

Lori Kothe: Founder, Poogooder 

Lori Kothe is a strategic design leader, entrepreneur, and author with 20+ years experience helping organizations create, articulate, and grow purpose-driven solutions that move people. Lori is the founder of Kocreate, an independent branding studio in Seattle, as well as Poogooder, a grassroots movement to help end wayward dog poo for a happier, healthier community and planet. From picture books to integrated social marketing campaigns, Lori brings a sense of wit and wisdom to make magic happen.

Nancy Lee: President and Affiliate Instructor and Strategic Advisor, Social Marketing Services, Inc. and University of Washington and C+C 

Nancy Lee has more than 30 years of professional marketing experience, with special expertise in Social Marketing, the proven discipline for behavior change for social good.

She is president of Social Marketing Services, Inc., in Seattle, Washington, a strategic advisor for social marketing campaigns at C+C, a communications a in Seattle, and an Adjunct Professor at the University of Washington where she teaches social marketing in the Public Administration and Public Health programs. She also teaches an online Professional Certificate course for the International Social Marketing Association. With more than 30 years of practical marketing experience in the public and private sectors, Ms. Lee has held numerous corporate marketing positions, including Vice President and Director of Marketing for Rainier Bank, Washington State’s second-largest bank, and Director of Marketing for Seattle Children’s Hospital.

She has consulted with more than 100 nonprofit organizations and has participated in the development of more than 200 social marketing campaign strategies for public sector agencies. Clients in the public sector include the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Washington State Department of Health, Office of Crime Victims Advocacy, county Health and Transportation Departments, Department of Ecology, Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, Washington Traffic Safety Commission, City of Seattle, and Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction.

She has co-authored 16 books on Social Marketing, 13 with Philip Kotler, and has contributed numerous articles to professional journals including the Stanford Social Innovation Review, Social Marketing Quarterly, Journal of Social Marketing, and The Public Manager.

She is President of the Pacific Northwest Social Marketing Association (PNSMA) and serves on the Board of the International Social Marketing Association, as well as the Social Marketing Association of North America. (SMANA).

Rob Nathan (Keynote Speaker): Equity, Culture and Engagement Manager, Metro Oregon

Alejandro Paredes: Communications and Engagement Co-Director, Cascadia Consulting 

Alejandro Paredes brings his passion for marketing, communications, sustainability, and communities to everything he does. As Cascadia's co-Director of Communications and Engagement services, he provides strategy and oversight to projects with an added equity and inclusion lens. Building from his strengths, background, and over 12 years of experience across the public, private, and nonprofit sectors, he juggles managing projects and providing strategic input for inclusive engagement and community-based social marketing programs. Alejandro strives for continuous improvement in processes and seeks collaboration and creative ideas from others to find the best possible solutions. He is fluent in Spanish and English. Alejandro’s three pillars are his thoughtful demeanor, listening skills, and hard work ethic. When he isn’t juggling multiple projects, he loves to explore the world, watch all the TV he can, sometimes read books, and enjoy his family to the fullest.

Mary Rabourn: Communications, King County Stormwater Services

Mary Rabourn - I have over two decades of experience creating accessible services and technical information working for King County. I have a background in geology and remote sensing, industrial and residential hazardous waste projects, pesticide safety and environmental engagement that form my technical foundation and systems interests. My curiosity in languages, cultures, ethnic media and insights as a mixed-race professional drive my passion in multicultural engagement. I have worked for King County, CH2M, Allan Cartography and a swath of small businesses. I believe creating relevant communications connecting people with the environment and building community trust helps crowdsource problem solving for our big issues.

Andres Rodriguez: Senior Director, Strategy and Multicultural Communications, C+C

Raised in Venezuela before earning his master’s at Northwestern and then making his home in Seattle, he has always been fascinated by transcending language barriers and cultural differences to bring people together. Andrés brings 10+ years of marketing experience for all types of businesses to C+C’s multicultural team.

Alison Schatz: Senior Communications Specialist, Metro Vancouver 

Alison Schatz is an award-winning behavior change communications expert. As Senior Communications Specialist at Metro Vancouver, she drives progress on regional waste prevention goals by leading campaigns including "Food Scraps Aren't Garbage" (using the green bin) and "What's Your Superhabit?" (reducing single-use items), which are used by organizations globally. With a background in biology and business, Alison loves creating evidence-based behavior change strategies to improve sustainability.

Chantel Wang: Health Educator, Washington State Department of Health 

Chantel (she/her) is a Health Educator in the Executive Office of Public Affairs and Equity at the WA Department of Health, specializing in substance use and suicide prevention. In this role, she oversees the coordination and development of statewide social marketing campaigns surrounding these topics with the goal of promoting behavior change and general education for the public. In addition to her campaign work, she reviews media materials, assists in the development of law and policy healthcare communications, and serves on a variety of workgroups dedicated to addressing the multiple facets of her specialty topics. Her wide scope allows her to bring a holistic approach and perspective to each subject.


Note: Presentation titles are subject to change

Conversations with Friends: How talking to primary audiences avoids assumptions, shapes messaging, and informs implementation strategies

Corie Bales

Using Audience Research to Tackle Washington's Litter Problem

Francesca Davidson

Audience research was an essential tool throughout the process for narrowing our campaign focus, understanding who we were trying to reach, and developing messaging and materials that would resonate.

Community based approaches to building vaccine confidence in Ukrainian Communities

Vadim Gaynaliy

Establishing authentic, reciprocal relationships with community members is key to building trust, creating culturally and linguistically sensitive programming, and ultimately changing health behaviors.

Storytelling as a Social Marketing Tool: Addressing community stigma through the For Our Lives campaign

Megan Hatheway, MPH

Communities can't address stigmatizing behaviors from a place of fear, vulnerability or despair. Rather, collaborative storytelling from within communities articulating positive behavior change must be shared through those communities’ inherent strengths and aspirations.

Ready for Summer?

Kristen Haley

Julie Colehour

Are you ready for Ready for Summer?! Julie Colehour and Kristen Haley will share four award-winning and viral videos developed by the Washington State Department of Health and C+C to promote the COVID-19 vaccine among an especially vulnerable population. These speakers will then facilitate a discussion with the audience about how they utilized the social marketing process to help attendees apply the same principles for their own work.

Fostering Mutual Success: Win-Win Strategies with Multicultural Communities

John Inge and Andres Rodriguez

Multi-cultural social marketing campaigns can be more effective by employing a mutual benefits approach to planning and partnership.

Building Partnerships for a Successful Reusables Campaign and Beyond

Gena Jain and Alejandro Paredes

Four cities joined forces and funds to reduce single-use waste behavior through a bring your own cup campaign.

The Poogooder Zeropoo Challenge: An unexpected approach to activate residents to help end wayward dog poo for people, pups, and the planet

Lori Kothe

Wayward dog poo is a social, environmental, and health issue that affects us all, so why is it so hard to get everyone to scoop the poop? Bring home solid takeaways on the promise and pitfalls of dog poo social marketing programs, focusing on the good, and inspiring communities to collectively aim for zero poo.

Reducing Gun Deaths & Injuries, A Social Marketing Approach

Nancy Lee

We, as citizens, can do this, and social marketers can influence single, simple doable behaviors that will save thousands of lives.

All Hands on Deck

Rob Nathan (Keynote)

Connecting with community through media; Tips to try and test!

Mary Rabourn

Beyond Bans and Bylaws: Driving Progress on Food Scraps Recycling with Behavior Change Communications

Alison Schatz

Communications campaigns can be used to effectively change behaviours when bans or bylaws cannot. Metro Vancouver targets specific audiences and behaviours, and builds on the equity in its long term creative platform, to continue moving the needle on green bin usage with its “Food Scraps Aren’t Garbage” campaign.

Prevent Overdose WA: The use of a phased research approach to help save lives in Washington State

Chantel Wang

How a comprehensive six phase research approach was able to gather iterative insights from hard-to-reach audiences, challenging assumptions and narrowing campaign focus.

Pacific Northwest Social Marketing Association (PNSMA)

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